pub trait ExtractPlugin: Plugin + Sized
where Self: 'static,
{ type ExtractContext: Default + 'static; const EVENT_TYPES: &'static [EventType]; const EVENT_SOURCES: &'static [&'static str]; const EXTRACT_FIELDS: &'static [ExtractFieldInfo<Self>]; // Provided methods fn get_fields() -> &'static CStr { ... } fn extract_fields<'a>( &'a mut self, event_input: &EventInput, table_reader: TableReader, fields: &mut [ss_plugin_extract_field], storage: &'a mut FieldStorage ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } }
Expand description

§Support for field extraction plugins

Required Associated Types§


type ExtractContext: Default + 'static

The extraction context

It might be useful if your plugin supports multiple fields, and they all share some common preprocessing steps. Instead of redoing the preprocessing for each field, intermediate results can be stored in the context for subsequent extractions (from the same event).

If you do not need a context to share between extracting fields of the same event, use () as the type.

Required Associated Constants§


const EVENT_TYPES: &'static [EventType]

The set of event types supported by this plugin

If empty, the plugin will get invoked for all event types, otherwise it will only get invoked for event types from this list.


const EVENT_SOURCES: &'static [&'static str]

The set of event sources supported by this plugin

If empty, the plugin will get invoked for events coming from all sources, otherwise it will only get invoked for events from sources named in this list.

Note: one notable event source is called syscall


const EXTRACT_FIELDS: &'static [ExtractFieldInfo<Self>]

The actual list of extractable fields

The required signature corresponds to a method like:

use anyhow::Error;
use falco_plugin::extract::{EventInput, ExtractFieldRequestArg};
use falco_plugin::tables::TableReader;

fn extract_sample(
    &mut self,
    context: &mut (),
    arg: ExtractFieldRequestArg,
    event: &EventInput,
    tables: &TableReader,
) -> Result<R, Error> {

where R is one of the following types or a Vec of them:

The context may be shared between all extractions for a particular event.

arg is the actual argument passed along with the field (see ExtractFieldRequestArg)

event is the event being processed (see EventInputExt)

tables is an interface to access tables exposed from Falco core and other plugins (see tables)

Note: while the returned field type is automatically determined based on the return type of the function, the argument type defaults to ExtractArgType::None and must be explicitly specified using ExtractFieldInfo::with_arg if the function expects an argument.

Provided Methods§


fn get_fields() -> &'static CStr

Generate the field schema for the Falco plugin framework

The default implementation inspects all fields from Self::EXTRACT_FIELDS and generates a JSON description in the format expected by the framework.


fn extract_fields<'a>( &'a mut self, event_input: &EventInput, table_reader: TableReader, fields: &mut [ss_plugin_extract_field], storage: &'a mut FieldStorage ) -> Result<(), Error>

Perform the actual field extraction

The default implementation creates an empty context and loops over all extraction requests, invoking the relevant function to actually generate the field value.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
