Module falco_plugin::base

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§The common foundation for all Falco plugins

All plugins must implement the base::Plugin trait which specifies some basic metadata about the plugin. For example, a plugin that doesn’t support any capabilities (which is useless and would fail to load, but is a necessary step to building an actually useful plugin) might look like:

use std::ffi::CStr;
use falco_plugin::base::{InitInput, Plugin};
use falco_plugin::plugin;
use falco_plugin::FailureReason;

// define the type holding the plugin state
struct NoOpPlugin;

// implement the base::Plugin trait
impl Plugin for NoOpPlugin {
    const NAME: &'static CStr = c"sample-plugin-rs";
    const PLUGIN_VERSION: &'static CStr = c"0.0.1";
    const DESCRIPTION: &'static CStr = c"A sample Falco plugin that does nothing";
    const CONTACT: &'static CStr = c"";
    type ConfigType = ();

    fn new(input: &InitInput, config: Self::ConfigType)
        -> Result<Self, FailureReason> {

    fn set_config(&mut self, config: Self::ConfigType) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

// generate the actual plugin wrapper code

See the base::Plugin trait documentation for details.


  • The plugin init input from the Falco plugin framework
  • A wrapper to mark a configuration schema as JSON-encoded
  • Automatically generate the Falco plugin API structure (overriding the API version)


  • A base trait for implementing Falco plugins
  • Trait for creating and accessing tables

Type Aliases§

  • Automatically generate the Falco plugin API structure